Making Villages self-sufficient and
enabling villagers to live with dignity and happily.

Making Villages self-sufficient and
enabling villagers to live with dignity and happily.

SSRDP believes in innovation and enterprise development as a strategic development intervention that could accelerate the livelihoods of people at the bottom of the pyramid.
CORE was started to promote rural entrepreneurs and community leaders, to develop village level infrastructure to address major issues of rural India. It is a vehicle to improve the quality of life of individuals, families and communities, to sustain a healthy economy and villages, to mitigate the migration of rural India to cities, provide adequate opportunities and income generating activities to young people in their villages. Currently, CORE provides training to rural youth on technologies like Areccanut Plate making, smokeless Chulahas, Agarbatti Rolling, Bio Gas Making, Screen Printing, Charcoal Briquetting & Renewable Energy.
Is to inspire rural entrepreneurs to make a difference by building their eco-system of confidence, knowledge and skill set. We aspire to continue delivering innovative and meaningful learning opportunities to rural youth that will help their businesses thrive


Improve the quality of life of individuals, families and communities of rural India

Sustain a healthy economy and environment in villages

Mitigate the migration of rural population to cities.

Provide adequate income-generating opportunities for village youth

Aiming to reduce the Impact on our environment by creating and promoting Areca Leaf Products which are being produced with sustainable recourses and with aid of Rural Community. This Eco friendly Process (no chemicals or additives used) and make sure it is acceptable to Earth when disposed (biodegradable & compostable) and also helps create employment..

SSRDP trains women entrepreneurs in Installing Improvised Cook Stoves and train them in educating the local rural women about Indoor Air Pollution and simple solutions to tackle them by installing smokeless chulha’s. We help design in setu units using up to 50% less firewood than traditional chulha’s which are more durable and creates upto 80% less smoke for a better health.

Aiming to reduce the Impact on our environment by creating and promoting Areca Leaf Products which are being produced with sustainable recourses and with aid of Rural Community. This Eco friendly Process (no chemicals or additives used) and make sure it is acceptable to Earth when disposed (biodegradable & compostable) and also helps create employment..

Charcoal Briquette is a form of a Biomass where a domestic energy source are naturally abundant (agricultural waste) and presents promising renewable energy opportunity that could provide an alternative to the use of fossil resources which is eco-friendly. Our Initiative trains the rural locals to domestically process Charcoal Briquettes production and help in creating a rural enterprise and employment.